Schools Plastic Problem

 With plastic there are many customers when it comes to who wants to fix it however school is one of the major ones. One problem that make schools produce a lot of plastics waste is that kids don’t feel like they have to recycle or they just don’t care. This leads to many plastic bags/water … [Read more…]

Hyconn-Luke Johnson

After watching the video  I think their belief is that it takes too long to screw on a hose to a fire hydrant or a outside faucet.  To fix this problem they made a contraption that connected to fire hydrant or faucet to cut the time in have. For this product the said they originally … [Read more…]

What makes a good group member

For entrepreneurship there are many thing that make a good group member. One thing that makes a good group member is that every person should accomplish at least one task every day so we can stay on track. In addition to  everyone accomplishing one thing a day everyone needs be engaged and active in activities … [Read more…]

What I Learned Today-9/17

Today I learned that entrepreneurship takes many steps and many hours of research. For example when many groups did there pitch they were unprepared to answer many questions. Additionally groups had very complex ideas that could be difficult to complete in the amount of time needed . For example if I made a mobile with … [Read more…]

How to be an entrepreneur

After watching the video on how  to be an entrepreneur I believe there are many things you need to become a successful one. One thing that could help is to find a common problem or find a hole in the market. For example if in your local area you don’t have any ice creams store … [Read more…]


After reading the article about entrepreneurship I believe that entrepreneurship is process of building a business venture from the ground up. Some well known entrepreneurs include Bill Gates, and, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg just to name a few. Without these people we would have no new business and new ideas for companies so entrepreneurship is … [Read more…]

About blogging

This is my concept map for blog post. In this project I made a concept map about types of blogs and why people write blogs.  If you follow my concept you should be able to come up with why people blog and the types of blogs. For example you can start blogs then go to … [Read more…]